Wednesday, May 20, 2015

life and chicken

hey there. Not going to waste words telling you about how busy life is which is why I haven't blogged in almost 2 months. But here's life in 5 little bullets just to keep you up to date:

1. Campers arrive at Windy Gap Sunday. SUMMER IS HERE YALL.
2. I've been weaving a lot. I love it but it sucks up all of my creative juices.
3. Marcel leaves in exactly a month tomorrow. Love him. We'll miss him. 
4. Albus weight over 100 pounds now.
5. I'm growing my hair out. Because we've been talking about babies. Not right now. But I want to be a long-haired mommy so I'm growing my hair out.

Here's some good chicken I made:

maple dijon chicken


3 chicken breasts
1 cup dijon mustard
1/4 cup organic maple syrup (or whatever kinda syrup you wish)
a lotta lemon pepper
sprinkle of garlic salt


Throw it all in a big ziplock. Leave it in the fridge all day. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes depending on how big your chickens are. Add some more dijon and maple syrup to a pan and thicken it with some tapioca flour (or cornstarch or regular flour) if you're feelin fancy. You don't have to. But I did.

short and sweet. hopefully I'll write again soon

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

maple cranberry brussel sprouts

It all started with my love of craisins. I love them. I love adding them to salads, granola, etc. But you can't find sugar free, or artificial sweetener free craisins ANYWHERE. So I made my own.

for the craisins:

frozen craisins (because you can't find them fresh this time of year)
1 cup coconut sugar
1/2 cup 100% maple syrup

Boil cranberries with 1/2 cup coconut sugar until most of them pop. Drain out the water and pop any that are unpopped. Mix with remaining coconut sugar and maple syrup and spread over a parchment paper covered sheet tray. Start a movie and bake in oven at 150 for 2-3 hours, stirring every 30 minutes until cranberries are dry and gummy.

I made a big batch of these to add to salads and stuff for the next couple weeks! Totally worth the time.

for the brussel sprouts:

brussel sprouts cut into thirds or fourths. Sautee in coconut or olive oil on medium-medium high heat with lemon pepper seasoning and a tablespoon of 100% maple syrup for 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently. Once brussels are soft, add your craisins.

Happy April Fools Day!

Monday, March 30, 2015

crockpot chicken avocado lime soup

This soup has been a favorite of mine but I just tried it in the crockpot for the first time last week and I think I like it even better that way! Unfortunately, sugar is a listed ingredient on the chipotle peppers so it's not paleo or whole 30 but it's still very healthy! It's simple, cheap and very flavorful.

5 chicken breasts
1 quart chicken broth
2 chipotle peppers in abodo sauce + 1 tbl abodo sauce in the can *****
juice of 1 lemon or lime
lotsa lemon pepper seasoning
2 cans mild rotel (although Casey loves it when I use the habenaro rotel)
2 tbl minced garlic
optional toppings:
tortilla chips
*****Please note that this is two PEPPERS, not two CANS of peppers

Tip: I just put the rest of the can of peppers in a tuberware or ziplock and freeze it for the next time I make this soup. That way one can makes like 8 batches of soup!
Throw all ingredients in your crockpot. No need to cut anything up. Set your crockpot on low and cook for at least 6 hours. Remove chicken and shred with two forks. It should fall apart pretty easily. Bowl up and add your toppings. Enjoy!
5-6 servings

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

that time Jesus spat my Young Life talk back in my face

Tonight I gave a Young Life talk. I've given a lot of Young Life talks. I've gotten to the point where I'm decently comfortable with them. I still get nervous beforehand every time. But I've gotten comfortable with that nervousness and grown confident in the rewarding feeling afterwards.

But tonight was a little different. Tonight, as I started in with my story, the room didn't hone in. There was a lot of side conversations. That part was sort of normal. But then, as I made my transition to start talking about Jesus, to take the story from light hearted funnies to something a little deeper, those heads didn't turn back to me. They kept talking. They joked about what I was saying. They interrupted me. And not just 3 of them in the back corner. But half the room. Even people on the front row.

And I crumbled a little. I got off track. I forgot what I was talking about and started in a nervous ramble for a hot second. I pulled it together and got out what I meant to say. I said my ending lines and delivered the main point. But it was the first time I've ever given a talk where I walked away from the front of the room and could have cried instantly. I was so frazzled.

I felt disrespected, uncared for, unloved, overlooked. I felt like marching back into the room and telling those that had been so rude to not come back anymore, to stay at home if they were going to be so distracting.

But then...I remembered what I had just given a talk about.

I'd just told them a story about a time where this lady Mary broke open what would be the equivalent of a $40,000 bottle of perfume and poured it on Jesus's head and feet. Which is weird but stay with me. She gave him a gift, the most valuable possession she owned. And when people rebuked her about how she could have sold that and used the money for so many better things, Jesus stopped them. He told them that Mary had done a good thing, that her story would be told for generations to come because she understood what He was worth. He was worth giving everything to. Her best. Everything.

Her dignity, her pride, her life.

So 20 seconds after I gave this talk, Jesus gave it right back at me.

Is He worth it? Is He worth giving up your pride? Is He worth feeling embarrassed, getting frazzled, getting nervous and fumbling out words? Is that message worth telling? Do you still believe that that message holds the power of LIFE even when it's delivered to closed ears? Will you keep on sharing the story of Jesus even when the people you're telling it to don't give a crap? When the crowds stop cheering and the feedback turns negative, will you still stand in the truth that you were born for this? Made for this? Chosen for this?

Yes. A thousand times yes. I forget it, but yes, it's worth it.

And also, would you rather have a room full of people who already love and respect the stories you tell? No. Bring on the crazies, the unbridled, the wild, the lost.

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Monday, March 23, 2015

twenty three

A weekend with my mom is a good weekend indeed.
She's a beauty. And the picture of a servant. And naggy because she loves me. It took me a long to realize how she does everything, even the most annoying mom things, out of love.
We spent my birthday doing my favorite things: eating good food, shopping, exploring windy gap, eating a homecooked steak dinner, Settlers of Catan, drinking foo foo drinks and hanging out with a few friends. My birthday gets more fun every year!


This week's goals:
  1. EXERCISE BEFORE WORK. Done and done on a Monday! My goal was to go at least once. Maybe I'll go for twice. All you need is 30 minutes if you go hard.
  2. ACTUALLY EAT MY LUNCH I BROUGHT TO WORK. Don't live off of camp food. Don't be a loser.
  3. MAKE GOOD USE OF MY COMMUTE TIME. No listening to Friends on Netflix on my way to work. Spend some time with Jesus.
What are your goals for the week?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

writer's block

writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block
writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block
writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block
writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block
writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block writer's block

I haven't written anything because I have writer's block.
I haven't done any cool crafts because I've solely been weaving.
Dinner's have been very uncreative because it's baseball and girl's soccer and chase after YL kids season because they're so freaking busy and we're trying to keep up.
But I feel like I need to write something so I'll just write about how I can't figure out what to write about.
It's my birthday this Friday and my mom's coming in town tomorrow night. Perhaps I'll have somethign to write about after that. And maybe I'll find some time to copy down one of my novel sized journal entries for #freakoutfriday.
Good day.

Friday, March 6, 2015

#freakoutfriday part 3

Hey! Remember me? That girl that writes this blog? Life has been weird lately. For starters, Casey and Marcel have been on a cruise (that I was obviously invited to but don't have the vacation time for) and I've been all on my lonesome this past week. That means nobody has been here to kick my butt out of bed when I get off of work and make me not be lazy. {So I've been lazy and unproductive} Coincidentally, the Lord has been walking me through some sadness the past few weeks. I haven't been sad about anything in particular. Just sad. Unmotivated. Lonely. With no obvious reason why. I've hit a break through this week though. You see, He's made me realize this past week that I'd been doing this whole "self sufficient" thing. With my dream job, my dream hubs, my fun foreign exchange kid and so many Jesus loving, interesting friends, I've been relying a lot on that and just a little on Jesus. And so, my heart grew sad without reason. My hope grew dimmer and my confidence shattered. And then BAM. He revealed in a moment that He's been leading me through a place where He is is so quiet so that I could see what I become without Him.

So I haven't been writing because I didn't know what to say. Maybe that's more than you wanted to read tonight.

Want to hear a little more of my silly thoughts from back in the day? Tonight's installment is a happier one. Casey and I had been dating for around 2 months. During that time, I broke up with him...and we stayed broken up for a whole 24 hours. You don't need to know why. Just remember that I was a mess at that point in life.

December 3, 2011              11:53 PM

Quite a bit has changed since I wrote last. I really wish I'd been documenting because I would have had alot to say the past couple weeks. I guess I'll just catch you up now, reader. 
First off, I'm totally helplessly in love with Casey. Yea, shocker. I'm not really sure when it happened. It just kind of grew on me and before I knew it, the words just popped out of my lips one day. It was the night we got back together after breaking up for 24 hours. One might look at a 24 hour breakup and say I'm silly for doing so, but really, it needed to happen. We all know I'd been wanting to run since I first agreed to date one with Casey because I was scared and didn't want any more " complications" in my life. And we all know I typically have to learn the hard way. So I needed to break up with CAsey to satisfy that desire to run away. And I needed to break up with him to realize that's not what I wanted at all. And that CAsey wasn't someone to be scared of and that I didn't want to handle my problems like that. I wasn't going to let my current situation rob me of my joy. I wasn't going to just quit life and hide just because things are hard. I thought I wanted the easy way out, but I'm learning there really isn't one for me. I just have to choose which struggle to battle through. So the day after I broke things off, I battled this dilemma in my mind all day and ended up at his house after work, spilling my guts and telling him I'd learned my lesson. Side note: he was supposed to be in Austin that night, but ended up not going because he was so bummed. We went back and forth for a while but in the end we hugged it out and later that night, he dropped the L bomb. And it feels so good to be in love with him. I adore him. I want him to be the one. I wouldn't say I'm positive I'm going to marry him one day, but that doesn't mean I'm not rooting for him.
YL Mr. Christmas Tree pageant is this Monday and it's going to be great. I can't believe this semester is already over pretty much. I'm not really looking forward to going back to school {I'd stopped going to classes a few weeks into the semester...} in the spring but I need to at least take a class or two. I don't want to fell too far out of the swing of things. My heart still yearns to be back at Crooked Creek every day. I dream of it at least once a week and I'm seriously considering a way to move down there or at last to Colorado. Anyways I'm off to bed. I'll update more tomorrow.


Remember that whole Colorado thing for next week. It gets good.