Friday, January 2, 2015

new year

2014 was a sweet year, probably the best year of my life. Casey and I had our first full year married. We became fake parents, moved into our house and got Albus. I landed my dream job. We found some of the best friends. It was a good year.

Casey and I went hiking yesterday with our friend Kathleen as a great way to start our new year off right. This year we want to do more things outdoors so we thought it only appropriate to use the day to do just that. We talked a lot yesterday about our resolutions for this year and I'm so excited to start putting them into practice. Here's what we came up with:

lose 25 pounds
brush my teeth more...and start flossing
make our bed every day
read two books that aren't harry potter or the Bible

lose 25 pounds
read even more than last year
exercise for fun

peak 3 mountains
go camping 6 times
stick to our budget
have more quiet time

What are some of your resolutions? I'd love to hear them. Now that the holidays are over I'll definitely be posting more frequently again! Oh, and did you know that Albus made himself an instagram? He's a pretty good follow @albusgatsthegreat


  1. Mine are to read a book a week and to write a handwritten note every week. Love your resolutions!

  2. I have a book to recommend!
    Eight Twenty Eight by Ian and Larissa Murphey. I just finished it & it was amazing. You and Casey both might like it. It helped me gain a different perspective on going through tragedy, life in general and how God works in it, and it reminded me to be thankful for my life no matter what comes because God is in the midst of it and He is weaving good through it all. it also could be a nice encourager for married couples. Ian & Larissa's devotion towards each other and reliance on God is inspiring. Their story can be watched here:
